
Business Model Report

The purpose of this guidance document is to support Pilot Regions in the design of their CFs4EE Financing Scheme. The report also defines the added value expected from the project delivery partners of the schemeand the selection criteria to use in the procurement phase. Read More

Report on capacity building activities

This report on capacity building activities provides an overview of the CITIZEE Capacity Building activities. The activities will consist in training workshops and webinars. Overall, 3 capacity building workshops are foreseen, bringing together experts from the EU regions/municipalities/cities representations and clusters or networks and other stakeholders interested in implementing… Read More

Annual report on events held, promotional material and social media achievements

This document describes the project related dissemination and communication actions performed during the first 2years (May 2019 – May 2021) of the project implementation. This includes:• Promotional materials created and published;• Social media campaign achievements during the first 2 years of the CitizEE project and• Participation in events. Read More

Simulation tool and pilot projects simulations

In this report, the four CitizEE Pilot Cases (Portugal, Belgium, Croatia and Lithuania) assess and evaluate their investment programs for energy efficiency. The purpose is to determine for each investment program the level of energy savings (and/or renewable energy) targeted, the amount of investment to achieve it, the cash… Read More

Evaluation and Action Plan for Citizen Financing Schemes for Energy Efficiency

In this report, the four CitizEE Pilot Cases (Portugal, Belgium, Croatia and Lithuania) evaluated the appropriateness of using certain Structured Financial Solutions versus others. In doing so, they were guided by the document “Map of Structured Financial Solutions for Citizen Financing Schemes for Energy Efficiency”, which was developed within… Read More

Map of Structured Financial Solutions For CFS4EE Financing Schemes

This guidance document aims to help the CitizEE Pilot Cases (Portugal, Belgium, Croatia and Lithuania) to select a suitable Public Financing Instrument (PFI), which they can implement to build their Citizen Financing Schemes for Energy Efficiency (CFs4EE) in the building sector. Therefore, different existing Public Financing Instruments… Read More

Market characterization segments and boundaries analysis

The market characterization analysis focus on the current local Citizen Funding market related to the CFs4EE1 Financing Scheme2 scope and targeted beneficiaries defined in the grant agreement for each of the pilot country/region. The objective of the Market Characterization analysis is to identify the key decisional elements that… Read More

Legal and Regulatory Framework analysis

This report is a compilation of the initial situation, the planned activities as well as the opportunities and difficulties of CitizEE’s four pilot regions Portugal (GOPARITY), Belgium (VEB), Croatia (REGEA) and Lithuania (VIPA). The result is a not only a comparitve overview of the current state from a… Read More

Institutional, organisational and procedural report

This report describes what EFSI-backed Investment Platforms are and how CitizEE H2020 project pilot regions can access the funds provided by the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) in order to set-up such investment platform to support the funding of their CFs4EE Financing Schemes. Read More