Third CitizEE Newsletter: April 2021

- 20 April 2021

CitizEE has published its third newsletter. In this edition of the CitizEE newsletter you will find: the latest news about the webinars, public reports and other updates of the project.

CitizEE Newsletter: April 2020
CitizEE Newsletter: April 2021
Scaling up Public Energy Efficiency Investments
via Standardising Citizen Financing Schemes
In this edition of the CitizEE newsletter:
  1. A message from the CitizEE project
  2. Upcoming Free Webinars
  3. International Womens Day
  4. Latest updates
  5. Public reports
  6. Get Involved!
Welcome to the 3rd CitizEE newsletter!
It is our pleasure to inform you and share with you the latest updates and news from the CitizEE project.

In this newsletter you will find a compact overview of all the important news and updates that will be of interest to you and support you to achieve more investments for energy efficiency in the building sector through citizen financing.
This includes info on our upcoming free webinars, where we explain how European public authorities can scale up investments for energy efficiency. Make sure you get a free ticket today. We’ll also be featuring the women in our project, who we’d like to highlight on the occasion of International Women’s Day. Furthermore, you will find out everything about our latest reports and results of the CitizEE project.
Enjoy reading! Stay healthy and take care of yourself!
The CitizEE Project Team

Upcoming Free Webinars
We’re excited to invite you to join us on April 27, for the first out of six webinars on capacity building for European public authorities that we are organizing as part of the ongoing CitizEE project.

In the first webinar, we will deal with the ways in which European public authorities can scale up investments for energy efficiency. The webinar, starting at 15.00 until 16.30 on April 27, will provide an overview and introduction mainly for public authorities (municipalities and regions) on where and how to start when assessing energy efficiency investments.

Interested participants will learn in this webinar about:
  •  the motivations and means behind different financial instruments,
  •  get hints for implementing and building their customized financing scheme, for
  •  launching large scale investment programs for the renovation of their buildings and
  •  attracting greater levels of private‐sector investments, namely from citizens and communities.
Registrate now for free at the project website!

International Womens Day 

Gender equality in European projects is key to creating new and innovative ideas and solutions. Because a pool of diverse, committed, capable and talented people with unique personalities has the greatest potential to create a sustainable tomorrow. That’s why within the CitizEE project, we have made gender equality one of our core values and are fortunate to have amazing and influential women in our consortium.

As a team, we unleash the greatest potential of each individual in our consortium.
Latest updates
Updated website
The CitizEE website has been updated with new graphics and texts to improve readability. The update is part of a new communication strategy for CitizEE. Soon you will be updated by even more posts from us on all our social media channels!

Discover the updated website here
CitizEE animation videos
The CitizEE project is currently producing animation videos explaining key content in an easy way. The videos will be focussed towards the general public. Keep an eye on our social media channels and the website. 

Open our Twitter channel here
Public reports
NEW! Simulation tool and pilot project simulations reports
The main aim of the reports is to assess and evaluate the investment programs for energy efficiency in the four pilot countries/regions for being processed under the CFs4EE Financing Schemes to be built and operated at a later stage of the CitizEE projecs.
Download the report here
Evaluation and Action Plan for Citizen Financing Schemes for Energy Efficiency
In this report, the CitizEE pilot projects evaluated the use of Structural Financial Solutions. In doing so, they were guided by the document “Map of Structured Financial Solutions for Citizen Financing Schemes for Energy Efficiency”, which was developed within the CitizEE project to support the selection of Eligible Public Financing instruments.

Download the report here

Get involved!
Visit the CitizEE website and follow us on Twitter.
 Do not forget to subscribe to our project news
If you found our newsletter interesting we warmly invite you to forward it within your own relevant networks. We look forward to your engagement and feedback for the next years!
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